
Monday, December 16, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Activity 1

Activity 1: Setting Sail [4 points]
People from Pacific nations have always been expert explorers and navigators. In the past, they used the stars, sun and ocean swells to find their way (navigate) around the Pacific Ocean. Master navigator, Nainoa Thompson, has used the ancient Polynesian wayfinding skills to navigate around the world. In 2013, Nainoa led a crew across the Pacific Ocean on two large canoes (Hokule’a and Hikianalia). The crew stopped off in Aotearoa, New Zealand in 2015 on their journey and visited the Manaiakalani Schools in Auckland.
Here is a short video about Polynesian navigation. It describes the different ways ancient Polynesian navigators used the natural world to find their way around vast oceans. Incredible!
I think that it would be difficult to be ‘at sea’ for weeks at a time. I would miss my family but I would also enjoy the adventure. Let’s imagine that you were invited to join Nainoa for three weeks at sea. As part of the journey, you have to pack your own food.

Here are the foods I would take to an island 

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