
Monday, July 29, 2019

Religious Education

We have been learning about traditional prayers, and we have uncapped the our father.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Tallest Tower Challenge

26/7/18 Tallest Building Project 

Today me, lily.
And Faye have made a tower,
and the tower was made out
of cardboard
we were trying to remake the
tallest triangle
shaped building in the world, 
and the name of that building is the,
Flatiron Building,
it did not turn out what we
wanted it to look like but
I knew it needed to be a
little Skinner because it was to wide,
and when you stood it up,
the legs were bending, so it wasn't
stable enough to stand up,
and to other reason why it did
not stand up was
probably cause we
did not cover the legs
so it can be stable. 

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Today me, Laki, George, and Akesa have been using 4 digest to add up to 31, in the picture you will see the numbers and operation we used to add up to 31.

We did 3x9+5-1