
Friday, September 25, 2020

Term 3 Reflection


Here is my reflection of term 3 

learn: I learnt to reflect on term3 and write it down in a google draw. 

Book Review 25/9/2020

I have finished reading another book.

Learn: I learnt how to create a book review after reading a book.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Book Review 21/92020

Hello guys I have recently finished a book i have reading and I have made a book review about it.

Learn: I learnt to read a book and retell it by making a book review about it. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Genomics: Guess my Animal.

Yesterday a man named Terry came to teach us during genomics, he taught us to describe animals using scientific words, I have made a riddle using those scientific words Terry had taught us. 

(Click The Photo)

My Pepeha 2020

Here is my Pepeha I made, I hope you guys learn a thing or two about me !.

Friday, September 11, 2020

D.L.O about My Book


LEARN: I have learnt how to make a d.l.o about a book i have recently read.