
Monday, April 30, 2018

Silent Reading

Image result for geronimo stilton space mice well bite your tail

Today I have read up to 1 - 14

In today's moustasic story Geronimo goes to the space movie's with his whole family.

When Geronimo went to the movies someone made a loud noise, and the person that made the loud noise was a mouse, and the mouses name was since mouse smart will he be a friend?. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Silent Reading

Image result for pokemon battle for the zephyr badge book

I have read up to page 1 - 16

In today's chapter of Pokemon, ash found this Pokemon, a silly one the silly Pokemon was a water Pokemon and its name was Quagsire.

I said that the Pokemon was silly because the Pokemon had brother and sisters and every time all the brothers and sisters find something round they take it from humans, and there was one problem, the  Pokemon stole a perfect Poke ball called the g s ball.

Will ash get the g s ball.

To bee continued

Friday, April 6, 2018

Pictograph Activity

Learning goal: I am Learning to Learn about what a pictograph is and how to create one 

Here is my pictograph, in my pictograph I am explaing how to count in five.
The people in the list is counting in 5's




On Monday I got 34/60 and on Friday I got 34/60,  the learning I need to practice is mostly division.

Typing test



Thursday, April 5, 2018

Silent Reading

Image result for captain underpants and the turbo toilet 2000

I have read up to page 1 - End

In today's chapter of Captain underpants George and Harold destroyed the turbo toilet 200 and got kids?.

NA I am just joking about the kids part I am talking about those eggs George and Harold had, the eggs hatched and the things inside were monsters, but the monsters liked George and Harold because the monsters think that George and Harold is there parents.