
Friday, July 31, 2020

Lectio Divina

Dear Heavenly Father, Guide me to be like Jesus and not like the Disciples, guide me too have faith in myself for when I am feeling like I have no faith in myself. 

I have learned how to respond to a scripture by making a little prayer. 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Narrative Draft

Narrative Writing (:
This Is A Made Up Story 
It was a very amazing day on the mountains, I landed my first trick on my mountain bike !!!, it was amazing. I am so proud of myself.

I went up the mountains with my mates and had a little ride on the trail. All my mates were doing cool tricks and I decided to try one and one of my mates captured my trick !!!, it looked so cool, I did a little 360 and landed. But there was a problem.

When I landed my bike my tire landed but the tire bent and I couldn't ride again so I had to walk down the mountain, but then I remembered that I packed some spare parts inside of my backpack, so I got them out and fixed my bike and started riding my bike again. 
In my Literacy class we started doing narratives, here is my draft. It is a made up story !, This inst finished because it was very hard to find a idea to write about, and I also struggled to write about mountain biking because I have never tried it. I am going to add some changes to it so it can be very good and interesting.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Charlie Bone: Chapter 1

LEARN: I am learning to listen to an audio and answer questions about the audio or text I am listening to or reading.